Sweet Potato Gnocchi

11:54 AM

I love making Italian food. It's super simplistic and fun. One of my closest friends from back home is Italian, and he always inspires me to try my hand at this type of cuisine.  

Recently, I went to the food pantry at my school. They always have these big sweet potatoes, and I just love stocking up on them in my apartment. Sweet potatoes are my new favorite ingredient, and they can be used in so many different ways. I have made gnocchi before, but I decided to add a little twist by using sweet potato instead of the traditional russet potato.

Let's just say, I am in love. It's golden and crispy on the outside, and soft and tender on the inside. There's a subtle sweetness to it that you just can't get with regular potatoes. Plus, isn't the color to die for?! I just love how bright and beautiful this dish is. The gnocchi can be served as a main course or a side dish. I serve this alongside my Red Grape Arugula Sala which makes this a delicious and filling meal.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi 
Yield: 6-8 servings

2-8 ounce sweet potatoes
1 egg
2 1/2 cup all purpose flour
3tbsp. butter
6 garlic cloves
2 tsp. dried parsley
2 tsp. oregano
Salt; to taste
Pepper; to taste

  1. In a pot, fill it with water and place it on medium-high heat. Lightly salt the water and bring it to a boil. 
  2. Place the sweet potatoes in the pot of salted boiling water. Boil the sweet potatoes until it's tender. Poke with a fork to see if it is soft. 
  3. Once the sweet potatoes have reached a soft stage, pat dry and peel the skin. At this point, the skin of the potato should fall off quite easily. 
  4. With a potato masher or a fork, mash the sweet potatoes in a large mixing bowl. Add the egg with the sweet potatoes and mix it well. 
  5. Add the flour 1/2 up at a time, kneading very gently after each addition. 
  6. Once the flour has been fully incorporated into the sweet potato mixture at a dough-like consistency, transfer the dough onto a floured work surface. If the mixture is too wet or sticky, add more flour to the dough. If the dough is to dry, add water. 
  7. Roll and stretch the slice on a floured surface until it forms a long, skinny rope-like shape.
  8. Cut the rope into 1-inch segments and transfer to bowl. If you would like to have ridges on the gnocchi, take a back of a fork to create the texture. 
  9. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil, add the gnocchi. The gnocchi is fully cooked when it floats to the top of the surface. Drain and toss gently with a little olive oil to prevent the gnocchi from sticking. 
  10. In a pan, melt the butter. Add the minced/chopped garlic cloves into the pan. Let the garlic reach a light-golden color. 
  11. Add the gnocchi into the pan of butter and garlic. Pan fry for a few minutes until it reaches golden brown on the outside.
  12. Remove from heat and season with parsley, oregano, salt, and pepper. Mix thoroughly.  
  13. Garnish the gnocchi with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and fresh basil. Serve and enjoy :) 
Good Luck,

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