Meet Emily

Hello! My name is Emily. I was born and raised in sunny San Diego, and currently reside in Irvine, California. I am very fortunate to live only a few miles from the beach. The weather is always perfect, and the bright California sun has blessed me with great lighting for my photography on this blog.

Currently, I am a college student at the University of California, Irvine. I am studying Business Economics with a specialization in International and Global Economics. Applied math has been one of my greatest strengths throughout my academic career, so I am lucky to be able to study something that I have great interest in. As of now, I would really like to work in economic development for countries in need or finance in the healthcare/medical devices industry.

As a college student, I am slowly transitioning into a full-fledged adult -- paying my rent and groceries with the money I make from work, learning how to budget, cooking for myself, hosting the occasional dinner party, etc. I like to consider myself a warrior in the kitchen. My cooking adventures have had its fair share of kitchen mishaps (fire alarms and a flooded kitchen), but I have managed to still produce great food (LOL)!

I am glad that I get the opportunity to share with you all one of my hobbies, cooking. I have turned my passion into a hobby by creating new recipes and re-inventing old recipes with a healthy twist! Most of the recipes that you can find on this blog are easy-to-make, healthy, and delicious. I want to share with you my go-to recipes that are bound to wow any crowd and fill your loved ones' tummies :)

Aside from cooking, I have a lot of hobbies. I love to read, write, and create. Not only am I the owner of Em's Eatery, but I am also the proud owner of my lifestyle blog -- Em Life In Style. My blogging experience all started because of my sophomore English teacher, Mrs. Myers. She inspired me to share my interests on an online platform and take the leap to start my blogging career. On my lifestyle blog, I share my love for fashion, creative DIY projects, and all things girly. You can find more lifestyle-related content on there.

If I am not blogging, you can find my nose stuck in a book or my guitar on my lap. For the last two years, I have been obsessed with reading fiction novels. It is one of my greatest past times. I am all about "book love." Mrs. Myers introduced me to this amazing reading app called GoodReads. On that app, I can track my reading progress, find new books, and rate my favorite reads. Every year, I set a reading goal for myself. This year, my goal is to read eighteen books. Additionally, I love music. My favorite music genres shift so often that I think it's safe to say that I like almost all types of music. As a creative outlet, I immerse myself in music. I write, practice, and perform songs. I have been playing the piano for fifteen years and the guitar for two. Music has been an integral part of my life, and I cannot imagine a world without it.

My life is certainly a big rollercoaster, and I make it a priority to have healthy and budget-friendly food on this ride. I love eating healthy, cooking for my friends and family, and sharing tips on how to lead a healthy life. Thank you for following my foodie adventures, and I hope you enjoy my recipes!
